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Distanced Couple


Move to resolution

Looking for a cost effective way to resolve an ongoing dispute?

Been told that going to court will be a long and expensive process?


Ashdown Mediation provides you with an independent, neutral party to help all involved in a dispute work towards reaching a resolution that all can accept.


We are not here to judge or determine how the matter must be resolved, but to enable all to be productively involved in identifying a solution that works for all.


Couple in Mediation


Have you become involved in a dispute?

Is this having a significant financial impact on you/your business, and also putting a strain on your relationship with others involved?

Are you looking to resolve the issues promptly and without escalating costs even further?


At Ashdown Mediation we offer you an alternative to litigation.

Our Mediator will work with all involved in the dispute to identify and
discuss the issues, 
separately and together, with the aim of helping
you to reach a resolution that accommodates all.

Our Mediator

Lover's Shadows


If you wish to discuss how mediation may be able to assist you or would like to appoint our mediator,
please complete the form below and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your message. We will get back to you as soon as we are able.

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